Corporate Governance
Gjensidigestiftelsen exercises its ownership through representation in the company’s governing bodies and with respect for the shareholder community. The ownership model ensures long-term and predictable ownership in Gjensidige Forsikring.
Gjensidigestiftelsen shall be a long-term and predictable owner of Gjensidige Forsikring. The owner model also ensures that Gjensidige’s non-life insurance customers get their share of the profits through the foundation passing on its share of the dividend as a customer dividend.
Key principles of our ownership policy
- The ownership is exercised within the framework set by Norwegian company legislation and general principles for good ownership exercise.
- Gjensidigestiftelsen has a long-term perspective and expects high value creation over time in terms of dividends and an increase in the value of the company.
- The company will be a Norwegian-based insurance group with Nordic growth ambitions in order to assert itself in a market with increasing competition.
- Gjensidige Forsikring’s dividend policy must take into account the company’s capital needs and strategic plans to ensure the goal of high value creation over time.
- Gjensidigestiftelsen will have a leading ownership role and will help to ensure ownership stability and predictability.
The foundation’s ownership in Gjensidige is historically contingent, and has a long-term perspective. The goal is an ownership fraction of at least 60 percent over time. At the same time, the ownership policy allows for a reduced ownership stake down to 33.4 per cent in case of company events that are in line with Gjensidige’s overall strategy.

Updated information about the Gjensidige share and investor relations from Gjensidige Forsikring ASA
The Gjensidige Foundation is represented by three members on the board of Gjensidige Forsikring ASA. Two of these are board members of Gjensidigestiftelsen, while the third member is chosen from among the company’s customers. In addition, the foundation is represented in the company’s election committee in the form of the chairman and chairman of the foundation’s election committee respectively. The chairman represents the foundation’s interests at the general meeting of Gjensidige Forsikring ASA.